In macOS, Apple's Safari browser includes a download manager that yous can utilise to keep track of any currently downloading files, restart partially downloaded files, and reveal downloads in Finder.

safari downloads manager mac
Past default, Safari's download manager saves files in the "Downloads" folder of on your Mac, but you can easily customize the storage location by post-obit these steps.

  1. Launch Safari browser on your Mac.
  2. Select Safari -> Preferences… from the menu bar.
  3. In the General tab, click the dropdown menu next to File download location.
  4. Select Inquire for Each Download, or Other… to choose a save location for all your downloads.
    change safari download location mac 1

If y'all've downloaded files recently, you lot tin admission Safari's download manager at any fourth dimension by selecting View -> Show Downloads in the menu bar, or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Option-Command-L.

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