How to Disable Gear Vr Service Note 5 UPDATED

How to Disable Gear Vr Service Note 5

Are y'all tired of Gear VR randomly popping up on your Samsung phone? Are you getting frustrated with some services like Gear VR eating up a huge chunk of your battery?

Then you came to the right identify. If you lot want to unleash the true power of your phone'southward bombardment and cease abrasive pop-ups, you will need to permanently go rid of annoying services similar Gear VR.

What is the Gear VR service?

Gear VR service is an official application that Samsung has pre-installed by default on Samsung phones that support information technology. This service volition basically detect when the device is continued to the Gear VR headset and switch to Oculus automatically.

I have spent more than viii hours looking for the easiest and most reliable method to terminate all your headaches. I went through the same matter myself as I also apply a Samsung phone but everything is working fine at present that I have disabled the Gear VR service.

And so, what are you waiting for? Grab yourself your daily dose of caffeine and stick with me till the terminate to find out exactly how yous can eliminate all Gear VR

Check out our separate post on how to Focus VR Headset.

What Is The Use Of Samsung Gear VR?

The utilise of the Samsung Gear VR headset is to provide a field-of-view for the Virtual Reality feel using your mobile phone. It acts as the controller that plugs into the USB-C or micro USB port of your phone. The headset itself does not contain whatever software.

Before you go alee and start disabling Gear VR services, you need to beginning call up about whether y'all might have some apply for information technology in the future.

You might exist thinking that there's a whole agglomeration of VR headsets out there now, so why apply Gear VR? Well, Gear VR has an border if you ain a Samsung telephone by providing specific applications suited for the telephone and headset.

With that said, information technology is important to note that Samsung has officially confirmed that all the newer devices or phones that are on Android 12 will not take Gear VR installed. This isn't all that surprising since there are no plans for a new Gear VR headset anytime presently.

And then, Gear VR is not going to exist useful for those who are on the latest Samsung smartphone but you can perfectly use all of Gear VRs services on its older devices.

Follow our guide to know how to Uninstall Steam VR.

How To Disable Gear VR Service?

Now that you know whether Samsung Gear VR will really be useful for you or not, let's focus on the reason why you came to this folio.

In that location are a couple of methods to do this and then let's first with the simplest offset.

Here are the steps to disable the Gear VR service:

  1. Unlock your Samsung phone and launch the settings application.
  2. Roll downward and click on Apps.
  3. Search for Gear VR from the textbox and click on the result.
  4. Click on the Disable button on the lesser and confirm the popular-upward.

That was pretty simple, right? Well, the bad news is it doesn't work for anybody so don't crush yourself up if you notice the Disable option greyed out.

If you are facing bug with the previous method, then yous can try several tertiary-party apps from the Google Play Shop to remove Gear VR services only there's a catch. You lot will need to root your phone to exist able to do this.

For those of y'all who have already rooted their phone, you can only search for a Packet disabler and simply disable Gear VR app with the push of a button.

All you lot accept to do is go through our latest how to Make clean VR Headset Foam.

However, if you are like me and want to proceed the phone's warranty in cheque, there is an alternative method to forcefulness remove the Gear VR packages from your phone. This method is a little advanced but don't worry, I have kept things every bit elementary equally I could.

Yous volition demand access to a laptop and your data cable for this method. The first matter you need to practice is install ADB (Android Debug Span) on your figurer.

Here'due south a complete guide on how to Make VRChat Fullscreen.

Here are the steps to install ADB:

  1. Launch a web browser and search for Android SDK Platform-tools download on Google.
  2. Click on the first result from the official website. official-website
  3. Scroll down on the spider web page to the Downloads section and click on the Download link for the Operating System you are currently using. operating-system
  4. Once the zip file has been downloaded, excerpt information technology to an easily accessible folder, preferably on your C drive. easily-accessible

Subsequently you have successfully installed ADB on your laptop or PC, y'all need to prepare your phone for ADB debugging. Hither are the steps to exercise that:

  1. Launch the Settings app once more on your phone and this time click on About Phone. About-phone.
  2. Click on the Software Information option on this folio. software-information
  3. Later that, locate the Build number and tap it 7 times after which you lot should see a toast message maxim that y'all are a programmer now. toast-message
  4. Go back to the master folio in Settings, curlicue down to the newly bachelor Developer Options and tap on it. available-developer
  5. On the Developer Settings page, roll downwards to the debugging department and turn on USB debugging. USB-debugging

Have some time to spare? Speedily check out our epic guide on how to Fix a Blurry VR Headset.

Now that both your PC and telephone are properly set upwards, here's how you can delete all the Gear VR services from your phone:

  1. Get to the folder where you extracted the downloaded ADB zip file before and practice a correct-click on an empty area. Select the option chosen Open up in Windows Terminal or something similar. something-similar
  2. Next, connect your telephone to the PC using the information cable. I recommend using the cable you got with your charger as other cables have issues sometimes.
  3. On your PC, blazon adb devices in the terminal window and press enter. terminal-window
  4. If you get an error, type in ./adb devices to fix the issue. adb-devices
  5. You lot will get prompt asking permission on your phone when you lot press enter, and then accept that immediately.
  6. At present, both the devices are connected. You need to delete three apps that are related to the Gear VR service. Type the following commands 1 by 1 and press enter.

adb shell pm uninstall -k –user 0

adb shell pm uninstall -k –user 0

adb shell pm uninstall -k –user 0

Afterwards that, you tin disconnect both the devices and disable Programmer options if you want.

That's it! Gear VR services will not be bothering y'all anytime shortly. If you go to the app listing, y'all won't see whatever Gear VR services.

Ane affair to note hither is that if you ever format your phone, all the apps you deleted will reappear so yous volition have to type in the commands using adb again.

I would also recommend you to uninstall whatever Oculus apps while y'all are at it, since those are useless without Gear VR.

Here's a consummate guide on how to Fix VR Blackness Screen.


Question: What is Google VR services on Android?

Answer: Google VR services on Android is an awarding that offers additional functionality for virtual reality apps like Fantasize and Cardboard. An example of such functionality is viewing notifications while wearing a VR headset.

Question: How exercise I plough off Samsung Gear VR controller?

Respond: Y'all tin can turn off Samsung Gear VR controller by merely removing the batteries as instructed past the manual. Nonetheless, I recommend yous to exit information technology on standby for around five minutes after which it should plow off on its own as it has a sleep mode.

Final Thoughts

Gear VR services have gone crazy by overheating sure devices or occupying likewise much RAM. Then, it'due south not really surprising that lots of people desire to get it off their phones. If yous can simply disable it from settings, I recommend doing that. Otherwise, adb is your only option.

I hope yous enjoyed reading this commodity and if you have any other issues, you know where to reach usa.


How to Disable Gear Vr Service Note 5 UPDATED

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